Winners Announced

2015GWBSWINNERS (1) Click on the Google Docs link above.

Remembering Len Anderson

This year's Georgetown Wooden Boat Show is dedicated to our irreplaceable friend, Len Anderson. But while his place as No. 1 brainstormer and dream achiever is forever secure, we will honor his memory by following the examples he set for us. We’re…

The Show Will Go On!

We are not cancelling the show. Downtown Georgetown is not in the area that was hit the hardest by the SC floods. Some businesses on Front Street experienced flooding and water damage but they are getting their shops in order and will be ready for…

26th Annual Wooden Boat Show Announced

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 26th Annual Wooden Boat Show, Georgetown, SC October 17 and 18, 2015 Contact: Sally Swineford 843-340-3879 Email: 26th Annual Georgetown Wooden Boat Show is set for October 17 and 18

 The Harbor…